About us

About us

The future of e-commerce in the 21st century is bright and promising. For the foreseeable future, e-commerce will further prove itself as the primary sales tool.

At Simple Fruit, we believe that e-commerce brings the world closer. E-commerce is a boon when we understand what’s going on around the world.

50% of retail transactions in the future will be online. Customers prefer a wide selection with the best quality and price. We believe Simple Fruit will be one of them.

We accordingly set our core fundamental values, which are inherent and an integral part of our company policy. These values ​​and our hard work help us grow faster.

As a fair business, our values ​​are important to us. We sincerely believe and follow them. Our goal is to be the most customer-centric company in the world where customers can find, discover and buy things at Simple Fruit.

Our service and commitment

They say money can’t buy happiness, but at Simple Fruit, every penny you spend will give you a lot of happiness!

Best price and quality product

As you know, we at Simple Fruit provide our customers with the highest quality products at the lowest possible price. Unlike traditional sellers, we operate few brick-and-mortar stores with high rent, wages, and distribution fees. We have our own warehouse. No agency is involved in the procurement process. For all other operations before shipping, we have in-house departments. Ultimately, we are able to cut unnecessary costs and we prefer to pass that benefit on to our customers.

Payment security and privacy (PayPal and SSL certificates)

Your online transactions on Simple Fruit are secure with the highest level of transaction security. Simple Fruit uses SSL encryption to protect your card information, while securely transmitting it over SSL directly to a secure electronic vault for payment processing. We use Paypal as the most secure and reliable payment gateway. At Simple Fruit, we never share our customers’ data with third parties in any way. The data we collect is used to process and deliver orders.

A name you can trust

“Trust is the glue of life. It is the most important component of effective communication. It is the fundamental principle that sustains all relationships.”_Stephen Covey. We believe in this philosophy, which guides our growth and helps us earn the trust of our customers around the world.

We are individually and collectively proud of the quality of our work, the advanced processes we use, the products and services we provide, and the proven and proven efficacy of our continuous improvement program. We pride ourselves on meeting selected customer needs ahead of the competition. We pride ourselves on achieving and maintaining a level of financial return, a measure of the value our customers agree to create.

With a wide range of quality products, a well-trained customer service team, efficient and timely service, free and timely delivery, Simple Fruit is truly a name you can trust!

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